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5 Acne Myths You May Still Believe

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Acne is a very common skin condition that affects up to 50 million people annually. However, even though it is so common, there are still many misconceptions and myths that are associated with it. You may have even heard your family members or friends say some of these things. Well, we're here to teach you about these myths and help you understand the truth behind them.

Cysts and Other Bumps

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

As we age, we may come across bumps and lumps and other curious things on our body.  The important thing is to note the type, location and size of the lump and any pain that may be associated with it.

Skin Discomfort

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We often have skin disease that is visually unappealing.  We then have skin disease that is actually painful in nature.  There are some skin conditions that are both ugly and painful, like acne, and there are those that are invisible, but still painful.  Skin disorders that are also painful can add fuel to the fire.

Skin Myths

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

There are many tips and tricks in the skin care world.  Dermatologists try and spread the proper information to people in the world; however, some of the tips that have been adopted are actually very harmful to the skin.  Below are some skin care myths that should be banned from the beauty world and ways to properly treat your skin.

Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

Those with sensitive skin often suffer from acne as well.  Acne is a long-term skin disease where skin cells and oil clog hair follicles.  The clogging can appear as pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads.  The most common areas that suffers from acne are the face, chest, back, and shoulders.  Genetics can play a role in those who suffer from acne; however, the

All the Types of Skin

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

There are many different types of skin out there in the world.  Determining what your skin type is can be the best way to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.  There are several different factors to look for when analyzing your skin.  Remember your skin is already predetermined due to genetics, so you are born with it and that is your gift for life.&nbsp