We make a sincere effort to explain everything to you regarding your medical condition. If you have any questions, or if anything is not clear, please do not hesitate to ask.
It is important to remember that there is no way to accurately predict how much time an individual patient will require. Some patients require more time and this may put the clinic behind schedule. We apologize if we can't see you immediately. We are humans, and at times, inconveniences are inevitable. While you are waiting, please think about your particular skin problem, i.e., where did it start, what did it first look like, how has it progressed, what prescription and over the counter medications have you used, what makes it worse, what makes it better, who else in your family has a similar condition, etc. To aid you in your treatment it is most helpful if you will provide us with a list of ALL your medications, including oral and topical.
We hope the information and treatment provided will be of benefit to you. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you, your family and friends.