5 Acne Myths You May Still Believe

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Acne is a very common skin condition that affects up to 50 million people annually. However, even though it is so common, there are still many misconceptions and myths that are associated with it. You may have even heard your family members or friends say some of these things. Well, we're here to teach you about these myths and help you understand the truth behind them. Let us know how many of these misconceptions you've heard!

Myth #1: Only Teens Get Acne
Approximately 85 percent of people ranging from ages 12-24 experience acne. Some people get acne in their teenage years that continues on into their adult years. This is called "persistent acne". Other can have clear skin all throughout their youth and then develop acne when they enter adulthood. This is called "late-onset acne". Some people even experience acne after the age of 25, so even though acne is more common in teens, it is not solely limited to teens.

Myth #2: People With Acne Don't Wash Their Face Enough
Acne can be caused by a multitude of reasons, like excess oil production or changes in hormonal levels. Washing your face too much can actually dry out your skin and cause irritation, leading to more breakouts. So, washing your face even more during acne breakouts is usually not a great solution. Generally, it is best to wash your face once or twice a day with a gentle cleanser. 

Myth #3: You Should Completely Avoid Abrasive Products
While you shouldn't be using abrasive products every time you wash your face, it is generally okay to gently exfoliate once a week, unless instructed otherwise by your doctor. Exfoliating is a good way to get all of the dry and dead skin off, which gives you a brighter appearance and can eventually reduce the development of blackheads. You should not be exfoliating more than once a week, as exfoliating too much is when you irritate your skin and make things worse.

Myth #4: You Should Completely Avoid Make-Up
Avoiding makeup is not necessary and many people use makeup to conceal their spots and provide themselves with more self-confidence. There are also many products you can find that are nonacnegenic or noncomedogenic that shouldn't cause breakouts. Some concealers even have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help fight breakouts while concealing at the same time. 

Myth #5: It Is Good/Okay to Pop Pimples
People are becoming more aware that popping your pimples is bad for you, but there are still many people who believe it is okay to pop their pimples. Popping pimples can be rough on the skin and can even cause your pimple(s) to stay longer. Additionally, when you squeeze the pimple, you can push oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria further into your skin, causing more inflammation and discoloration. It can also cause temporary and/or permanent scars.

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