
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Alcohol Vs. Your Skin

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Most everyone can probably guess that alcohol isn't that great for your skin, but do you ever stop to think about exactly how much alcohol effects your skin? You may love going out with your friends for Margarita Mondays, but drinking more than the recommended amount can do some damage to your skin, and you might not even realize it's the alcohol doing it.

All the Types of Skin

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

There are many different types of skin out there in the world.  Determining what your skin type is can be the best way to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.  There are several different factors to look for when analyzing your skin.  Remember your skin is already predetermined due to genetics, so you are born with it and that is your gift for life.&nbsp