Dry skin is about to take over our bodies this winter. There are many reasons the winter is not the best for our skin. Dry skin is a common condition that occurs due to lack of moisture in the skin. One of the main causes of dry skin in the winter is the dry air that comes along with the cold temperatures. Heat and hot showers can also be the cause of dry skin.
Use an emollient – An emollient means it can soften and smooth rough and dry skin. One emollient that is extremely beneficial and natural is coconut oil. Emollient fills the spaces between skin cells creating a smooth surface. Coconut oil is gentle enough to use every day.
Petroleum jelly – This stuff is a wonderful way to trap moisture in the skin and allow it to heal and repair dry skin patches. Petroleum jelly creates a waterproof barrier that can seal in moisture.
Repair – There are many ways to repair your skin and some involve repairing it from the inside out. Eating foods rich in antioxidants is an excellent way to boost healthy cell production and minimize the damage that toxins in our environment cause. Some antioxidant winners are blueberries, carrots, peas, tomatoes, and beans.
Gloves – Your hands experience the most damage, due to environmental conditions. Using dish soap and laundry detergent can cause drying out of skin. Wearing gloves can minimize the abuse your hands will take when temperatures fluctuate and chemicals are present.
Humidifier – The air is missing moisture, so put some back into the air. Humidifiers can replace the lost moisture in the air and replenish the damage that gas and electric heat causes to your home environment.
Avoid allergens – Allergens are not only outside in Arkansas. It is extremely important to avoid things that irritate your skin. Watch the fragrances and chemicals that you expose to your skin. Avoid spending too much time sitting by the fireplace. Limit the time you spend in chlorinated water, which also dries out your skin. Wearing clothing with wool or scratchy types of fabric can also be irritating to skin.
Exfoliate – When you have dry skin, you need to make sure and remove the dead skin layers that accumulate and roughen your complexion. Once you exfoliate, usually weekly, you must apply moisturizer while the skin is still damp.
Don’t forget lips – Many of us forget to hydrate our lips. Make sure they have a hydrating gel or lipstick to moisturize. Remember that some long-wearing lipsticks are very drying and can exacerbate dry skin during the winter months.
Facial Mist – Consider a facial mist that has hydrating power and ingredients like aloe to soothe dry and irritated skin. This can be used throughout the day to refresh your skin and provide a healthy glow.
Sunblock – The sun can get very intense in Arkansas and all over the south. To protect your skin from the sun, even in the winter months, ensure you are using sunblock with an SPF of at least 30. This sunblock can be combined with a moisturizer to get dual actions.
If you have questions about dry skin, spots on your skin, or early skin cancer, make an appointment with our Batesville, AR dermatologist, Dr. Patrick Hatfield.