Common Skin Conditions in Children

Submitted by ionadmin on

Children can be prone to a variety of diseases and skin conditions that are highly contagious can be passed very easily between little ones.  Some conditions are not contagious, but more prevalent in children.  Children are also more susceptible to these conditions.  A dermatologist can help with all of these skin disorders.

Seborrheic dermatitis – This condition is also known as cradle cap, which is a skin condition found on the scalp of children.  This fungal infection can be treated with antifungal creams and topical steroids.  Treatment should not last any longer than two weeks.

Hand, foot and mouth disease – This disease is highly contagious and causes blisters on the hands, feet, and face.  It is a viral infection and can also cause ulcers on the tongue.  It is usually accompanied by a fever and usually clears up in about a week.

Scarlet fever – This rash causes a pink-red coloration and looks almost like a sunburn.  It usually starts with a swollen tongue, sore throat, and a fever.  This condition is caused by a bacterial infection and must be treated with antibiotics.

Measles – This disease is characterized by a fever, sore eyes that are sensitive to light, red spots and even grey spots inside the cheeks.  The rash usually appears on the head and neck and then spreads to the rest of the body.  Measles is caused by a viral infection that is preventable by taking a vaccine.

Eczema – Skin that’s itchy, red, dry and cracked may be a form of eczema.  It is most commonly found behind the knees, neck, and elbows.  This condition can be a lifelong condition that is thought to be caused by an overactive immune system.  It is treated with hydrocortisone steroids.

Hives – If your child is showing a red, itchy rash, they may have a skin allergy.  If you notice the hives coming on several times, it may be time to look for reasons behind it like medication, stings, or even food. Most hives will clear up in one day. If there is swelling around the mouth or tongue, emergency care should be sought out.

Ringworm – If the rash is itchy and ring-like, it may be ringworm.  This is highly contagious with skin contact and is a fungal infection.  Antifungals are helpful at treating ringworm.

Chickenpox – This virally-induced spattering of red spots starts out as blisters that turn into scabs and fall off.  They are usually itchy and uncomfortable.  This virus can be prevented by proper vaccination.

Impetigo – This skin disorder is characterized by red sores or blisters that burst and leave crusty, brown patches.  They are often itchy and can spread over the body.  This condition is highly contagious and caused by bacteria.

Scabies – This condition displays as tiny and itchy spots.  This is caused by tiny mites that burrow in the skin. Medicated lotions are required to treat the condition and the entire household needs to use the medication, even if they don’t have any visible symptoms.