Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

Submitted by Patrick Hatfield on

Those with sensitive skin often suffer from acne as well.  Acne is a long-term skin disease where skin cells and oil clog hair follicles.  The clogging can appear as pimples, whiteheads, or blackheads.  The most common areas that suffers from acne are the face, chest, back, and shoulders.  Genetics can play a role in those who suffer from acne; however, there are some tips that can help prevent acne or lessen the severity of the disease.

Wash your Face – Washing your face twice a day is a wonderful way to keep dirt, oil, and dead skin cells out of your pores.  Mild cleansers are the best way to clean the skin and leave it without irritation from harsh chemicals.  Many people who have acne are prone to over-washing their face, which actually causes the skin and pimples to be aggravated even more.  The less manipulation of the skin, the quicker the healing time.

Limit Exfoliation – Harsh scrubbers can irritate and cause inflammation to the skin, which makes the acne worse.  Light exfoliation is recommended only once a week and if you have acne-prone skin, it may be best to stick with a gentle cleanser.

Fingers Off – Make sure to curb the need to squeeze or pick at pimples.  Your skin is not meant to be picked, as it may cause scarring or inflammation.  Your hands also carry a variety of bacteria that can get into the broken skin and cause infection.  At the first sight of a pimple, use a topical treatment that can help to reduce the appearance of the pimple.

Acne Medication – There are several types of medications out there that can help with acne healing and acne prevention.  Make sure to treat the entire area that is prone to breakouts and not just the pimples themselves.  If you don’t treat acne-prone areas, you will continue to experience breakouts.

Makeup Brushes – Make sure to clean your makeup brushes frequently, to ensure that the bacteria and dead skin cells are not being reapplied to clean skin.   Many makeup brushes and applicators should be replaced after months of use to prevent bacteria buildup.   Also, refrain from sharing makeup from others.

Avoid Astringents – Many people with oily skin consider astringents to be beneficial to the health of their skin.  Astringents do remove the oil and dead skin cells, but they leave the skin dry and void of moisture.  Dryness irritates your skin and irritation leads to acne. 

Moisturize – Always consider moisturizers for the health of your skin.  Make sure the moisturizers are oil-free and non-comedogenic.  This will ensure the skin is given moisture and that pores are not clogged, causing acne.

All of these tips can help you control your acne-prone skin, but some people will require even more help and prescription strength medication.  Dermatologists are doctors trained in all types of skin care.  They are able to prescribe the perfect regimen for your skin and help you obtain clear skin.  With the proper guidance, everyone can put a better face forward.